How to avoid visible crease lines after the carpet has been stretched

Sometimes people ask us, as why do they see some lines after the stretch. The answer to that question is, carpet has been left un attendant way too long before any repairs. What happens to the carpet is, the wrinkle not only creates a permanent damage to the underside of the carpet, but also dirt […]
Who is the #1 Carpet Restoration Service in Calgary

In this case, the walls were taken down and created a bigger living space. It was fine, but the carpet needed some attention. They had some carpet left over, and with the extra piece taken from the closet, I was able to patch the bald spots. Carpet restoration services is your key for a success. […]
Best Berber snag repairs in Calgary is

Problem In this case the seam was done poorly and the threads were caught up with the vacuum. Creating an eye sore, and devalued the home. At some point they were thinking replacing the carpet. Solution They had lots of carpet leftovers from the installation. We were able to cut the damaged area and replaced […]
How to fix basement water leak issues that causes carpet swell?

We were called to put the carpet back after the basement water issue. There were couple of spots where the carpet was cut and removed. So I put them together. If you ever have to lift up the carpet, and the seam is in the way, just cut it with a sharp blade, so we […]
How do you repair Berber Carpet damages done by a pet

Here is an example of a badly damaged berber type carpet. Before and after pictures will show you the expected results from my work. Berber type carpet could be very difficult to repair and the reason is it’s being flat and cross cuts always makes it visible. That is why you might see some scar […]
Examples of a berber carpet snag repair

Just wanted to show how a berber carpet snag will be repaired here at Calgary Carpet Repair and Restoration Services AKA The damaged area will be cut out, and the new piece will be inserted into the cut out area. There is always a slight color and texture difference in the new piece, as […]