Any physical damage to the carpet requires some sort of cutting and repairing that section.

Things needed for best carpet repairs

This requires some identical extra carpet, which could be found in your furnace room, or in the garage. Please check your house to make sure you have the extra carpet. Most people have some leftover carpet from the installation.

I don’t have any extra carpet for Berber pull, Now What?

If you don’t have any left over carpet from the original installation, we have two choices.

1) It could be taken from a closet. The closet piece will be patched with something similar, or whatever we could get

2) If closet piece can not be taken, then you have to search for an identical carpet, which is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

Where can I get carpet?

Take a small piece from the damaged area and heat to Deerfoot Carpet. They might be able to find you something.

How about the underlay?

We can provide the underlay, without any issues

What else do you guys do, and what locations do you serve?

We repair all sorts of pet damages, re-stretch carpet, water damages, underlay replacement, burn mark repair services or berber type carpet snags for Calgary, Airdrie, Chestermere, Okotoks area.

Examples of Berber carpet damage repairs by CarpetFix in Calgary

Please give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist you
