After removing the walls and space, this was left behind. I filled the gap with the carpet I was provided. The line you see there is the carpet color difference. The seam was perfect and there was no gap. Renovation repairs are always a challenge, sometimes contractors destroys the carpet

The process of repairing carpet after renovation repairs

As you can see the below example, carpet was cut out in order to be able to put the wall unit. Even though, it wasn’t necessary to cut the carpet that much, we were able to install the patch. You can see a shade of line, which is the carpet color difference. Otherwise the seam and the cuts were %100 in perfection.

A wall has been taken out, and the carpet was joined together later

We were called to repair this. The owner suggested to put a piece in between. Our suggestion was to pull the carpet, join it together and fill the gap at the wall side. The reason of doing it was to have a better and stronger seam in the middle of the room. We didn’t mind sparing extra time to make it perfect and lost lasting.

Basement maze solution after renovation repairs

They removed some walls in the basement to create a bigger space and you can see it in the pictures. We filled the gaps with some extra carpet that they provided. Carpet has a direction. So filling those gaps took a long time, as we had to constantly turn and cut the carpet in the same direction as the laid one on the floor.

Another example of removed wall units and missing carpet as a result

Here the contractor company was called to remove the wall units. The contractor company hired us to do the carpet repairs in this basement. This was an interesting job, as the carpet had a pattern and the distance was extremely long. We tackled the job to a perfection.

Please contact us for any questions or requests

carpet patch work completed
carpet patch work completed

Contact Calgary Carpet repairs and stretch services for any questions or help